Well fun. The occupant of the other half of this building apparently goes to work at 2 am. His headlights lit up the room Lucy is sleeping in…. Guess what… Ugg
Once actually awake, walked Lucy while others slept. After 1/4 mile I returned and sat on the porch and relaxed. Noticed the neighbor across the street is just sitting on his front porch. Nice to know I’m not the only one.
Well no free breakfast at this place, what will I do without a DIY waffle! I finally get the Schmidt clan into the car for a early lunch.. Cause it was 11 once we got there… This place was right next to the grocery store so did a little shopping. I decided to introduce Quincy to the special breakfast my Grandma used to make when I spent summers at her house. Maybe I need to make a recipe book to share with all the Schmidtlings. A few years the older kids learned her lemon meringue pie..
Dropped the food of and time to head to the beach. Hey that neighbor is still on his front porch… odd
Fudge was excited. He could finally work on that tan.
Lucy was not exactly excited about the water trying to attack her. It kept trying to grab her paws and pull her in. She was not having any of it. Even the treats could not convince this “water dog” to enjoy the water.
Quincy on the other hand went out farther than Alisa was comfortable with. My blissful time of enjoying my feet in the waves, my butt in the sand and my eyes closed listening to the water mingling with thousands grains of crushed shells and coral, came to an abrupt halt.
I walk out to where the young Schmidt is bobbing with the waves to keep momma happy. She was convey that the pelicans would adopt him as one of their own.
End the night with pizza. On the way out Alisa pondered out loud, “does that guy do anything other than sit on his porch?”
This place was really close. Ordered the deep dish. I have to say this one was unique. A paper thin crust with cheese only on the outer 1/3 of the ring and enough sauce for 7 pizzas in the middle.
The clan leader, last night, saw a glow mini golf that he recognized the artwork for. I have to see this company’s work close-up. Hey we’re playing mini-golf tonight!
After coming back from behind on the front 9, I remain with only one loss…
We get back an try to play a new game, we quickly realize the engineer and the one with a minor in mathematics are both too tired to do math… Guess we’ll call it a night!