Had to have the traditional Sunday morning breakfast.. Although we had to settle for grab and go tacos because of that celebration of Moms

A big thanks to Bugs … he taught me to be sure the take a left at Albuquerque. Now to find the spot we turn left at…

As we were leaving the metropolis of Albuquerque, a sign appeared at the side of the road. Leaving District 3 Entering District 4.. Are we that prepared for the Hunger Games already? Good thing we have an archery business.
I’m sure the masses are asking where is Fudge? We begged him to come but he felt out kitty Jesse would be lonely during the trip. So he suggested doing a video chat. We called him when we got to Cadillac Ranch. He was amazed at how much paint there is

Once in Amarillo, my wallet was pleasantly surprised that gas was under $4 a gallon.. Filled the tank and our cups and said OK, here we come!
Oklahoma that is.. Booked a hotel in Elk City. But I am greatly disappointed. There were people working the front desk.. not Elk! False Advertising!
Tune in tomorrow for more adventure!