Slept in a bit then headed to the the Second floor of the hotel. There it was! A corridor to all the best the retail market has to offer. 3 stories of food, fun, and shopping.

Found a Dunkin Doughnuts. I made my first purchase, of many that day, and headed back to the room with caffeine and sugar. The door will not unlock. Huh? Called my better half and asked, “What room are we in?” The answer was not the number I was currently looking at. Glad I didn’t knock. Unfortunately I, got off on the wrong floor. Went to the correct last numbers but that first digit was wrong

Got the clan down to start the shenanigans. First stop get ride tickets. Headed to the first coster. This would be Quincy’s first thrill ride, other than my driving yesterday. He was a bit nervous, and excited. That was a smooth coster that spun the car around. Fun! Next a more traditional coster, with a Pepsi theme. After that sauntered over to the one that inverts the riders. Tried to get the young one on that, but he refused. I really loved the harness system super comfortable.
A few rides later and it was time for the 5D theater. While Alisa rested. Q and I donned the 3D glasses sat in a mine car and had wind and water sprayed while the movie played. That was fun. Quincy really enjoyed that.

Time for Mini-Golf. A 2 fer? Sure this adventure golf with the black light course for $4 more.. Take my money! Once we were done with the first 18, time for refreshments. Hmm Shake Shack.. Well that sounds yummy..
Well a decision was made, nope not doing laundry today! Lets buy more underwear so we can avoid laundry a bit longer. I have discovered it is a lot easier to buy lots of stuff when driving on vacation. When flying there is the – can this fit on the suitcase, question. Not with driving, still could pull a small trailer home if we need…
Afterwords it was time for the other golf course. It was cute and fairly playable. I wanted to check out the indoor go-carts but that was a bit much cause my wallet would start to complain.

Ended with dinner, a dip in the pool, a light show and snuggles in this odd shaped chair
Tomorrow we meet Lucy!